Welcome to the Workshop

Welcome to the Workshop

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Prep Part 2.

On the weekend we went to get our pumpkin. The local park hosted a pumpkin day, and we walked down with some friends to check it out. On the way we saw a fun Halloween front yard. I'll take more pics of the decorating closer to the actual day, most of the locals are probably waiting til the weekend to set up. This yard was certainly a good taste of gruesome...

I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty more limbs sticking out of the ground towards the end of the week...
Meanwhile, we hit the park for pumpkin purchasing, hot apple cider, face painting and cupcakes. It was a fundraiser to gather donations for the building on site which hosts lots of local things. We even bumped into people we know, not bad considering we've only been in the area a month.
One of the best things about Halloween is the sense of community. You get out and walk around, talk to your neighbours and admire the decorations. There's lots of little meet-ups at the park and the kids get very excited. It's a blast!

Much excitement abounded, though we realized we still have a lot to learn. We didn't bring our 'cart' (which the locals use to drag their kids around town) to take our haul home. Luckily, our friends had strollers so we nudged the toddlers out of the way and took the pumpkins home in them instead.

Would you like some hot apple cider with your wasp?!

Home time. First, the 'lid' had to be cut off and then all the orange goop scopped out. Our friends found a cute carving kit with these funny scoops, though i think the serving spoon was more effective...

After the face was drawn on the pumpkin it was time for some carving.

Luckily, Poppet was on hand to give her father plenty of advice...

And at last, here he is. Time to relax and have a beer, or chardonnay, or some gingerbread or whatever. Me? I focused in on the chardonnay...

We were happy with the result. Unfortunately, so were the squirrels. We've since moved him from our porch to the back deck as they were having a good old munch on him. 

Looking forwarding to lighting him up next week. I really love Halloween. Plus, it's getting super cold and you know how much I love that...

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