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Welcome to the Workshop

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday At The Cemetery With Poppet.

We had a nice outing this week. We went to see dad. Well, his plaque anyway.
I have taken Poppet to the cemetery before but not when she was old enough to understand it all.
We took Grandma out for lunch and on the way home decided to pop in on the old fella. It's not something we do very often, in fact we had to go to the office and get the map to find him. 
I don't find it a particularly emotional experience going to the cemetery, it was just a nice spontaneous thing to do. Dad's little plaque is there next to his parents, the plot is lovely and it was a beautiful sunny day. It's important to me that Poppet sees what it's all about and I think Grandma was happy to go as well. 
So that's just what we did.

But it's not farewell, we did that years ago. Dad will be with us in Toronto. He'll share the excitement of seeing and hearing new things, something he was quite passionate about. I see him in myself and certainly in my daughter. I see him in the seasons and I see him in every gin and tonic.
Cheers Dad!



  1. A nice lovely thing to do. My children go to see their 'Papou' (Greek for grandad) every few months even though he passed away before either of them were born. We have made sure they have a strong connection to him and know 'stories of his life'. I recently took Miss 11-teen and Mr 7 for the first time to see my brothers grave on what was his 40th birthday (he passed away at 9 y/o)...and it was a whole different experience...questions, tears from me and a very bittersweet time. They handled is with all the inquisitiveness of children and I answered all their questions as best and honestly as I could...what more can a mummy do.


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