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Welcome to the Workshop

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Bunnies Are Coming!

I've been at a tad quiet lately, haven't I?!

Well, on the one hand I have a very good friend returning to live in Oz tomorrow, and we've been cramming in lots of social time. One of the hardest parts about expating is saying farewell to people and having no idea when you'll see them again. Sniff. Love you Lou, see you on the other side sometime...

On the other hand I have been stitching up a storm. Well, trying to anyway.
Easter is coming, and I want to have some stock ready by the end of this week as we're having a small trip to NYC (yay!) after that and I might not get a chance to do anymore in time for the Holiday.
So, I have six bunnies on their way to completion and will try to get a few more done this week.

Fingers crossed...

I really love Easter. It particularly resonates now that we live in North America as it is actually attached to Spring. I'm not sure the weather will have turned by the end of the month, but who knows. I love Winter but there's nothing wrong with watching the bulbs emerge from beneath the remnants of snow either.

If you want some Easter ideas have a look at our Easter board on Pinterest. Click over here.
If you want to join in the pinning fun just let me know and I'll send you an invite.

Have a lovely week!


  1. Yeah, they are real, I just thought those bunnies were an urban myth!! Lovely bright Easter colours, can't wait to see them finished.

    1. i know! i think a lot of people think my products are an urban myth. trying to do something about that this year...

  2. Can't wait to see them! I wanted to get one last year as I was due to have my baby over Easter, as things turned out I was in hospital having my little princesses when they went up for sale. Hopefully I'll be lucky enough to get her one for her first birthday! Love your work.

    1. oh i hope so! have you signed up for my newsletter? i'll be announcing the stock on sale there first...


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